Garden Bronze Life Size Elk Statue Feedback from Norway Client

Such a beautiful life size elk statue feedback comes from our Norwegian client – Knut. Our clients are very satisfied with the quality and detail of this elk sculpture. And he praised the quality of the sculpture as excellent.


Some Details of Our Communication with Client:


  1. Customer Requirements for this Life Size Elk Statue:

We could see that our client sent us some drawings first. These drawings are drawn by the client. And the client’s requirements for some details are marked above. Our clients need the “neck in front” of this elk to become “stronger” and “bigger”. The body and head of this bronze elk are 45°. There are some other requirements. Our artist was pleasantly surprised and happy after receiving the detailed notes from Knut. Because the more details in the early stage are communicated, the easier it would be for our artists and workers to make the sculptures, and the easier it would be for the final sculptures to meet the customer’s expectations.

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  1. Some Modifications in the Production Process:

YouFine is a sculpture factory that respects the needs of its clients. At the stage of making the clay model of this life size elk statue, we would send the finished photos and videos of the clay model to our clients. If our customers have any modification opinions, they could put forward them. We could also modify this step in time. Knut carefully marks every point that needs to be revised, and we really like this way of communicating. This allows our clay model artist to have a basis for modification and could modify it in place at one time. Knut is also satisfied, and our production time would be shortened. The end result is that our client also received a bronze elk figurine to his satisfaction very quickly.

bronze deer garden statue - YouFine Sculpture (3)


  1. Completed Clay Model Display:

This is the mud model after meeting Knut requirements. We make it strictly according to the needs of our customers. Every detail is modified and sculpted multiple times. We modified it five times before and after according to Knut’s needs. After receiving satisfactory photos of the clay model, Knut wanted to add the revised fee to our artist because he felt that the artist was very patient and hardworking. But we turned down the extra money and modified the model for free until he thought it was perfect and all the details were the same as his last request.

bronze deer garden statue - YouFine Sculpture (4)


  1. Completed Elk Statue Display:

This is the completed picture of the life size elk statue after meeting the customer’s requirements. The beautiful brown color and the fine details make the client happy. After successful customer acceptance, we would arrange packaging and shipping.

bronze deer garden statue - YouFine Sculpture (1)


Real Feedback:

  1. In 2019, when the life size elk statue was just installed, our customer Knut couldn’t wait to send an email to tell us that he was very satisfied. And later sent us photos of the successful installation of the elk statue. Knut also told us that after checking the quality, he decided to order the next statue from us.

life size elk statue FEEDBACK - YouFine Sculptures (5)

 life size elk statue FEEDBACK - YouFine Sculptures (2)


  1. At the end of 2021, our Iris asked about Knut during a return visit from a customer. When Knut received a reply letter, he told us that the sculpture was still strong and beautiful.

life size elk statue FEEDBACK - YouFine Sculptures (4)


  1. The interesting thing is that we have a client who is also in Norway. Anders wants to know about quality before placing an order with YouFine. So we gave him the contact information of our customer, Knut. After they contacted each other, Anders went to see the bronze deer statue. Knut sitting on the statue shows how powerful the deer statues are, Anders trusted our quality and ordered deer and horse statues from us.

life size elk statue FEEDBACK - YouFine Sculptures (1) life size elk statue FEEDBACK - YouFine Sculptures (3)


YouFine is a very professional bronze sculpture foundry, we could provide you with a variety of bronze sculptures for you to choose from. We support customization and spot purchase. All your bronze statue needs could be met at YouFine. If you are looking for a first-class bronze sculpture supplier, YouFine would be your best choice. You could contact us for any information you want at any time.

Contact Us

Note: We will keep your information as secret. Please feel free to write down your requirement in the form above. We will reply you within 8 hours.

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